autumn events programme

Welcome to our autumn events programme for March to May 2025.
This season, we're celebrating the park birdlife with our events programme inspired by our feathered friends. We're also excited to host Buller's Birds: The art of Keulemans and Buchanan Ngā manu a Buller, a touring exhibition developed and toured by the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa.
All our events are FREE to attend, though some may need you to register as we have limited numbers. All registration links are provided, but if you run into any trouble send us an email at or give us a call on 09 630 8485.
Click here for a printable event programme

Buller’s Birds: The art of Keulemans and Buchanan
Ngā manu a Buller
Discover our native birdlife in this Te Papa art exhibition showcasing prints of illustrations from New Zealand’s most famous books on native birds. Walter Buller’s iconic 1873 book, A History of New Zealand Birds and its smaller spin-off, Manual of the Birds of New Zealand.
Buller’s Birds: The Art of Keulemans and Buchanan also showcases print reproductions of original hand-coloured lithographs by London-based renowned natural illustrator Johannes Keulemans from the rare first edition, as well as of drawings and engravings relating to the later publications by New Zealander John Buchanan.Saturday 8th March to Saturday 31st May
10am to 4pm Huia Lodge Discovery Hub
Cornwall Park
Developed and toured by the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Image Credit: Johannes G Keulemans, ‘Stitchbird, Pogonornis cincta (male and female)’, 1873. Photograph from A History of the Birds of New Zealand, 1st edition, Te Papa (1992-0035-1094/2)
This event is part of EcoFest this year! Auckland’s largest environmental festival, EcoFest is a month-long celebration of our stunning environment and sustainability mahi across Tāmaki Makaurau! To learn more about EcoFest and all the other amazing events on offer go to:

Guided Walk: Poetry for Tamariki
Join Elena on a poetry hunt through Cornwall Park where we’ll follow our senses, stop along the way to get lost in our imaginations and, one line at a time, create our own nature-based poem. At the end of the walk, there’ll be an opportunity to read the poems we’ve made up to the group or any nearby trees who care to listen. Grown-up participation encouraged.
Suitable for tamariki 7+ and young-at-heart poetry lovers of all ages. Guardians must accompany children on the walk.
This walk is held outdoors so suitable clothing and footwear are necessary, don't forget your sunscreen, raincoat and water bottle. This walk goes ahead rain or shine, in the event of hazardous weather it will be cancelled on Sunday morning.
Registration is essential and numbers are limited. To register for this event please click here or email Let us know if you have any accessibility requirements.
Sunday 2nd March
10am - 11am
Location: Start from Huia Lodge Discovery Hub (next to the Cornwall Park Bistro). Vehicle access from Green Lane West.
About your guide
Elena de Roo is an award winning children’s poet and writer. Her latest book, ‘Wizardry to Wētā Verse’ (illustrated by Juliet de Roo) contains 75 poems for children, many of which were made up while exploring Cornwall Park.

Open Farms: Guided Walk
Take a guided walk through the Cornwall Park farm and chat all things agriculture with our farmer at our Open Farms day.
Discover the rich history of farming at Cornwall Park in this short walk. It is a unique sight to see in the middle of our bustling city!Please note there is no vehicle access to this location from the Green Lane West park entrance.

Thelonious Tree
Discover how wonderful our connection to trees can be in this enchanting interactive show, story and scavenger hunt accompanied by live piano music.Written by home-grown poet Asha Lovegrove and presented by storyteller and ecologist Rosi Merz and musician Joe Dobson, Thelonious Tree is an evocative and interactive show for tamariki ages 6-9.
The Baby Grand awaits in the shade of our Native Arboretum. How did it get here? How will it speak with these trees?
This free event has limited capacity. Registration is not required. Please arrive a few minutes early to get settled; the show will begin promptly.
Keep an eye on our website and the Facebook event for updates and postponement notices in the event of bad weather.
Saturday 15th March
Show 1: 10.30am - 11.45am
Show 2: 1pm - 2.30pm
Native Arboretum
Access from the main car park by the roundabout. Vehicle access from Green Lane West only.

Experience this phenomenal pop up piano. Undergrand has been travelling the motu and is popping up in Cornwall Park for one day only.
Bring a picnic, drinks, friends and whānau with you, and enjoy an enchanting afternoon concert in the embrace of our trees.
World renowned pianist Flavio Villani will play a delightful programme of classical and easy listening music.
This free performance will take place in our Native Arboretum below Huia Lodge and the Memorial Steps.
Keep an eye on our website and the Facebook event for updates and postponement notices in the event of bad weather.
Saturday 15th March
3pm - 4.30pm
Native Arboretum
Access from the main car park by the roundabout. Vehicle access from Green Lane West only.

Workshop: Clay Trinket Dish
Get creative in this air-dry clay workshop and make a flora or fauna themed trinket dish. This fun filled drop-in taster will give you a feel for pottery, but with the benefits of taking home your works of art the same day!
Siriporn fell in love with clay in 1999 while living in Las Vegas and considers herself to have a loose and wabi-sabi aesthetic when it comes to creating pottery. She is an executive council member for Ceramics New Zealand, representing the Auckland region. She has studied under prominent potters from both New Zealand and internationally and received a Diploma in Arts and Design Ceramics from Otago Polytechnic in November 2019.
Currently, Siriporn spends her time preparing for exhibitions and teaching public and private pottery workshops.
www.falcongreyceramics.comIG: @falcongrey.ceramics
This event is part of EcoFest this year! Auckland’s largest environmental festival, EcoFest is a month-long celebration of our stunning environment and sustainability mahi across Tāmaki Makaurau! To learn more about EcoFest and all the other amazing events on offer go to:

Guided Walk: Forest Bathing
Relax with Benni Bonnin and experience forest bathing in Cornwall Park.
This walk is held outdoors so suitable clothing and footwear are necessary, don't forget your sunscreen, raincoat and water bottle. This walk goes ahead rain or shine, in the event of hazardous weather it will be cancelled on Sunday morning via email.
Registration is essential and numbers are limited. To register for this event please click here or email Let us know if you have any accessibility requirements.
Sunday 30th March
10am - 12pm
Location: Start from Huia Lodge Discovery Hub (next to the Cornwall Park Bistro).Vehicle access from Green Lane West.
This event is part of EcoFest this year! Auckland’s largest environmental festival, EcoFest is a month-long celebration of our stunning environment and sustainability mahi across Tāmaki Makaurau! To learn more about EcoFest and all the other amazing events on offer go to:

Box of Birds: tamariki poetry competition
Calling all tamariki ages 5-12 to think outside the nest and create a bird-inspired poem.
Your poem can be about anything bird related : extinct birds, native birds, backyard birds, an invented bird, a bird story or experience, a bird-word, told from a birds-eye view (imagine you are a bird) or something else you'd like to write a bird poem about.
The poem must not be longer than 25 lines (it can be as short as you like) and must be all your own work.The competition will be judged by The Poets XYZ. The Poets XYZ (Elena de Roo, Kathryn Dove, Melinda Szymanik) are award-winning children's poets from Tāmaki Makaurau whose mission is to encourage children's poetry writing in Aotearoa.
The winning poem will be displayed at Huia Lodge Discovery Hub in May and published on our website. The winner will also receive a bird theme prize pack, which must be collected from Huia Lodge Discovery Hub by August 31st 2025.
How to enter
Enter your poem by emailing it to or by handing it in person to Huia Lodge. Huia Lodge is open 7 days, 10am-4pm. Entries open April 1st and close April 20th 2025, and must include the entrant's full name, contact email, phone number, age and poem.
The winner will be notified by email or phone by May 5th 2025. The winning poem will be published online on our website and social media.
By entering, you give permission for Cornwall Park to use your poem on social media, in-person displays, and online and to add it to our archive.
You may enter poems written in other languages, but an English translation must be provided.
If you have any questions you can contact The Poets XYZ here or Huia Lodge

Citizen Science: Cornwall Park Bird Survey
Would you like to participate in some citizen science? Drop by Huia Lodge Discovery Hub from the 12th to the 27th of April to collect a Cornwall Park bird survey, and count our bird life for one hour. Return your survey to Huia Lodge and enter the draw to win a birds prize pack.
This activity is suitable for all ages, though younger children may need assistance from an adult.
Together we can build a record of the birdlife in the park and use this information as an indicator to see how the whole ecosystem is doing. Survey and a 'how to' guide provided.
Saturday 12th to Sunday 27th April
Collect your survey from Huia Lodge Discovery Hub between 10am and 4pm (next to the Cornwall Park Bistro) or download it from our website and print it at home.
For prize draw terms and conditions please click here
This event is part of EcoFest this year! Auckland’s largest environmental festival, EcoFest is a month-long celebration of our stunning environment and sustainability mahi across Tāmaki Makaurau! To learn more about EcoFest and all the other amazing events on offer go to:

Tamariki Discover: Autumn
Join us on an exploratory walk through Cornwall Park, where curious minds will discover special taonga (treasure) in the park. Collect fascinating facts and tremendous textures as you explore the history and ecology of the park with guides from Huia Lodge Discovery Hub
This walk is held outdoors so suitable clothing and footwear are necessary, don't forget your sunscreen, raincoat and water bottle. This walk goes ahead rain or shine, in the event of hazardous weather it will be cancelled on Sunday morning.
Registration is essential and numbers are limited. To register for this event please click here or email Let us know if you have any accessibility requirements.
Sunday 13th April 10am - 11am
Location: Start from Huia Lodge Discovery Hub (next to the Cornwall Park Bistro). Vehicle access from Green Lane West park gates.
This event is part of EcoFest this year! Auckland’s largest environmental festival, EcoFest is a month-long celebration of our stunning environment and sustainability mahi across Tāmaki Makaurau! To learn more about EcoFest and all the other amazing events on offer go to:

Guided Walk: Birds for Kids
Gather your flock (whānau) and join experts from Birds New Zealand to learn about birds on a fun kids guided walk.
Cornwall Park is a favourite spot for many different species of endemic, native and introduced birds, all with their own unique song and personality.
This guided walk will provide an introduction to many of the birds that can be seen in the park, their origins and information on how to best identify them.
Suitable for those aged 6 years + The walk will go off road so is not suitable for prams and dogs are not permitted.
This walk is held outdoors so suitable clothing and footwear are necessary, don't forget your sunscreen, raincoat and water bottle. This walk goes ahead rain or shine, in the event of hazardous weather it will be cancelled on Monday morning.
Registration is essential and numbers are limited. To register for this event please click here or email Let us know if you have any accessibility requirements.
Monday 14th April
10am - 11am
Location: Start from Huia Lodge Discovery Hub (next to the Cornwall Park Bistro). Vehicle access from Green Lane West.
This event is part of EcoFest this year! Auckland’s largest environmental festival, EcoFest is a month-long celebration of our stunning environment and sustainability mahi across Tāmaki Makaurau! To learn more about EcoFest and all the other amazing events on offer go to:

Auckland Zoo Workshop
Join Auckland Zoo these school holidays where we’ll be learning how to look after ourselves and our whānau, the animals at the Zoo... and what you could do for your pets at home!
Visitors to these free educational sessions will have the opportunity to reflect on how we care for living things using Te Whare Tapa Whā and the Five Domains of Animal Welfare models.
You’ll learn how to connect to the natural environment with a range of hands-on activities that help to translate curiosity and compassion into meaningful actions for te taiao.
We will be experimenting with recycled and repurposed materials to create engaging enrichment items for animals to use. Whether you’re a pet owner or zoo fan, there will be something for everyone to get their paws stuck into!
There will be two one hour drop in sessions on Wednesday 16th April. No registration is required. Suitable for tamariki ages 5+ caregiver attendance is required.
Session 1: 10-11am
Session 2: 1-2pm

Tamariki Imagination: Birds
Can you flit like a pīwakawaka, waddle like a pūtangitangi paradise shelduck and sing like a tūī? Let's go on an adventure in the park and imagine we are birds.
This guided walk, led by our Huia Lodge Discovery Hub team, will encourage tamariki to use their imagination and adventure in Cornwall Park.
Suitable for ages 4+, grown-up participation is encouraged. Please dress for the weather conditions, wear sturdy shoes and bring a drink bottle as we will be leaving pathways behind.
Registration is essential and numbers are limited. To register for this guided walk please click here or email Please let us know if you have any accessibility requirements.
In the event of hazardous weather this walk will be cancelled via email on Sunday morning.
Sunday 20th April10am - 11am
Location: Start from Huia Lodge Discovery Hub (next to the Cornwall Park Bistro). Vehicle access from Green Lane West.

Guided Walk: Ecology Identification
Explore the ecology of Cornwall Park and become your own nature guide with ecologist Maddie. We will show you how to use various resources like field guides, apps, and keys to identify plants and animals so you can teach yourself about nature everywhere you go.
This walk is suitable for older kids interested in nature and adults who want to be able to better understand and connect to nature.
We'll also explore the amazing tools available on your phone. Closer to the event we'll follow up with an email including all the details on the apps we plan to use so you can download them if you would like to bring your own device.
This walk is held outdoors so suitable clothing and footwear are necessary, don't forget your sunscreen, raincoat and water bottle. This walk goes ahead rain or shine, in the event of hazardous weather it will be cancelled on Sunday morning.
Registration is essential and numbers are limited. To register for this event please click here or email Let us know if you have any accessibility requirements.
Sunday 27th April
10am - 12pm
Location: Start from Huia Lodge Discovery Hub (next to the Cornwall Park Bistro).
Vehicle access from Green Lane West.

Kōrero and Kaputī
Delve into a sensory world exploring the flavours, smells and remarkable healing properties of Aotearoa’s native plants. Many of these rākau (plants) have a rich history of traditional use, helping to maintain ora (well-being).
Relax with a kaputī (cup of tea) and learn from Helen Paul-Smith (Tapuika/Ngaī Te Rangi) Co-Founder of ŌKU New Zealand in this relaxed kōrero (talk).
The session is suitable for ages 12+ and ends with a Q&A and the chance to sample ŌKU tea. ŌKU products will also be available to purchase.
Registration is essential and numbers are limited. To register for this event please click here or email Please let us know if you have any accessibility requirements.
Saturday 3rd May11am -12pm
Location: Huia Lodge Discovery Hub (next to the Cornwall Park Bistro).Vehicle access from Green Lane West.

Guided Walk: Birds
Discover the unique song and personaltities of our feathered residents and visitors. This guided walk will provide an introduction to many of the birds that can be seen in the park, their origins, and information on how to best identify them. Top tip: Bring a pair of binoculars if you have some!
You'll be guided by Ian McLean and his team from Birds New Zealand.
This walk is held outdoors so suitable clothing and footwear are necessary, don't forget your sunscreen, raincoat and water bottle. This walk goes ahead rain or shine, in the event of hazardous weather it will be cancelled on Sunday morning.
Registration is essential and numbers are limited. To register for this event please click here or email Let us know if you have any accessibility requirements.
Sunday 4th May
10am - 12pm
Location: Start from Huia Lodge Discovery Hub (next to the Cornwall Park Bistro).Vehicle access from Green Lane West.

Guided Walk: Geology
Join Dr Bruce Hayward for a guided walk and delve into his wealth of knowledge about Maungakiekie geology. The walk will slowly ascend Maungakiekie via the road and circumnavigate the crater rim, reaching the summit for views over the whole volcanic field before returning to Huia Lodge. The guided walk will explain how this volcano erupted and how the various features and rocks were formed. This walk is crafted for people who are new to the world of geology. It is suitable for all ages who have the ability to walk up Maungakiekie via paved roads and walkways.
Note: the terrain is steep and uneven underfoot in some places where we will go off-road - prams and wheelchairs are not suitable for this walk. Children must be accompanied by caregivers and dogs are not permitted.
This walk is held outdoors so suitable clothing and footwear are necessary, don't forget your sunscreen, raincoat and water bottle. This walk goes ahead rain or shine, in the event of hazardous weather it will be cancelled on Sunday morning via email.
Registration is essential and numbers are limited. To register for this event please click here or email Please let us know if you have any accessibility requirements.
Sunday 11th May10am - 12.30pmLocation:
Start from Huia Lodge Discovery Hub (next to the Cornwall Park Bistro).Vehicle access from Green Lane West.
Meet your guide
Bruce Hayward is a semi-retired Auckland research geologist. He has authored/co-authored 25 books on aspects of New Zealand’s fossils, geology, marine ecology, conservation, archaeology and history including a field guide to Auckland and two books on Auckland’s volcanoes. He is a past President of the Geological Society of New Zealand, and a former member of the New Zealand Conservation Authority, the Auckland Conservation Board and the Auckland Institute and Museum Council. His studies and conservation advocacy have been recognised in Fellowship of the Royal Society of NZ and Member of the NZ Order of Merit. He has presented over 300 talks for the public and led over 400 field trips around Auckland and to all parts of New Zealand.

Guided Walk: Landscape Heritage
Discover how past has shaped the park landscape we see today. Join our Huia Lodge Discovery Hub team to explore some of the landscape icons of Cornwall Park.
This walk is held outdoors so suitable clothing and footwear are necessary, don't forget your sunscreen, raincoat and water bottle. This walk goes ahead rain or shine, in the event of hazardous weather it will be cancelled by 8.30am on Sunday morning with notices posted on our website and the Facebook event.
No registration is required.
Please let us know if you have any accessibility requirements.
Sunday 18th May
10am - 11am
Location: Huia Lodge Discovery Hub next to the Cornwall Park Bistro. Vehicle access from Green Lane West.

Workshop: Art for Bird Lovers
If you love to watch birds and you'd like to learn how to draw one, join us for this workshop. Get simple strategies to sharpen your eye and capture what you see in front of you.Registration is essential and numbers are limited. To register for this event please click here or email Please let us know if you have any accessibility requirements.
Saturday 24th May
Location: Huia Lodge Discovery Hub (next to the Cornwall Park Bistro).Vehicle access from Green Lane West.
Jennifer Duval-Smith is a Maungawhau-Mt Eden based botanical artist and nature journalist who loves to observe the many different birds who live in Cornwall Park. She is particularly fond of our pheasant plumage and greatly admires the parenting skills of our Shelducks.

Guided Walk: Botany
Join Botanist Ewen Cameron for a guided walk looking closely at the season’s flowers (small and large) of native plants. Plant family characters will be pointed out.
This walk is held outdoors so suitable clothing and footwear are necessary, don't forget your sunscreen, raincoat and water bottle. This walk goes ahead rain or shine, in the event of hazardous weather it will be cancelled on Sunday morning.
Registration is essential and numbers are limited. To register for this event please click here or email
Please let us know if you have any accessibility requirements.
Sunday 25th May
10am - 11am
Location: Huia Lodge Discovery Hub next to the Cornwall Park Bistro. Vehicle access from Green Lane West.
Meet your guide
Ewen Cameron is a recently ‘retired’ Auckland botanist, after working 32 years as curator of botany at the Auckland Museum. Over the last four decades he has authored/co-authored many articles and papers on aspects of botany, ecology and conservation of northern New Zealand’s flora involving both native and naturalised plant species. He is an active member of the Auckland Botanical Society, including as president for 20 years. He served two terms on the Auckland Conservation Board, one as chair, and was awarded the Departments of Conservation’s Loder Cup in 2005.